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One-Stop Shop

Eros Entertainment is a one-stop shop for all things PR and marketing. 

As we always say, “Industry Leading Strategy, Industry Leading Results”.

  • Marketing

    Identifying a target population is key to making sure your content gets seen by the right people. Marketing helps you pinpoint this audience.

  • Promotion

    Finding the right audience is important, now you need to amplify it. Promotion will help you effectively scale your online reach.

  • Branding

    Giving people a reason to click the follow button, stream your music, purchase your product, etc. is vital to your success. Branding is effectively expressing your "why".

  • Publications

    Getting featured in online magazines helps you gain the online presence and credibility you need. Publications give people something exciting to read when they google you.

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Grow Your Brand

The How to

Consistent outbound and inbound interaction and engagement with your target audience is the most personal and cost effective way to grow your brand. Considering time as a major limiting factor, stopping you from optimizing this strategy alone, we are here to help. Our Organic Growth Program provides you and your brand the best opportunity for development.

eros has partnered with


To offer you a revolutionary new way to build your brand

and it's free!

Do I Need Press?

why dont you tell us?

Press provides an immediate boost of credibility in the online world. We live in a time where consumer decisions on what music to stream, what podcast to listen to, what brands to buy are influenced by the digital media they see and hear. Google is a major platform people turn to for this sort of guidance, so, when someone searches your name or business what do you want them to find... nothing... or a series of highly ranked articles broadcasting your accomplishmants and aspirations?

Everyone wants to be validated, and in a world dominated by the internet people don’t need to go searching through a dusty library to find the answers to the questions they have about people and brands, they simply unlock their smartphone. Validation is just not what it used to be, not without proper press and media exposure. This is the first step towards permanently legitimizing who you are, what you have to offer and aid in ranking your brand where it needs to be… the top!

The Benefits

Improved Reputation

We make sure you and your brand/business are pitched to the appropriate online publications that fit your niche. Now, when someone googles your name everything they want/need to know is ranked right there for them to read.

Increased Publicity

We work with hundreds of online publications providing you with the potential reach of millions of people. Valued publication websites have viewership from all over the country and even the world… and now your story is at their fingertips.

Expanded Network

We will not only aid in the writing, pitching, publishing and search engine optimization of your press, but we will make sure to include your social media platforms and contact information (with your permission) so readers can connect with you beyond the article they read.


going beyond the algorithm

Social media algorithms have the ability to choose your target audience for you, but that doesn’t mean they get it right every time.  Sponsored advertisements are an effective way of placing yourself and/or your business directly in front of a target audience!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't I "Boost" My Post Myself?

Yes, you can. However, without proper A/B testing and ad campaign setup/management ads can end up costing a lot of money without any real benefit. 

I Own A Business, Will Ads Increase My Sales?

Whether you are selling a product or a service, sponsored ads can absolutely help increase sales. ROAS, or return on ad spend, is a very important factor when running ads.

I’m An Artist, Why Do I Need Sponsored Ads?

As an artist, public figure, blogger, etc sponsored ads are a great way to expand your reach and potential audience. Driving more targeted exposure is an effective way of growing organically.

How Much Does It Cost To Run Ads?

Ad spend itself is paid directly to the platform the ad is running on (ie. Meta, TikTok, YouTube, etc) via credit card and can vary from $5-$50/day to thousands depending on the ad’s objective.

Website Development

A properly designed website can make or break a business. A well executed site can help you form a good first impression with your potential customers and provide them with the confidence they need to buy.

We've all visited websites that we immediately cliked off of.. for one reason or another it seemed "scammy".

Frequently Asked Questions

What Platforms Do You Build On?

  • Word Press
  • Shopify
  • Wix

What Platform Should I Use?

The wesbite platorm of choice depends on the type of business you are running, the objectives of the wesbite and many other factors.

What Is The Best E-Commerce Platform?

In our opinion, Shopify is the best platform to build e-commerce brands. Shopify is constantly improving its usability and utility making it an industy leader.

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